
Sunday, March 20, 2011

TRYATHLON P.M.I. (Plus, Minus, Interesting)

I had fun riding my bike. -Andy
I liked watching the Seniors to see how they did it. -Maggie
My Mum, Dad and cousins came to watch. -Jamie
I liked watching my buddy. -Tahnee
I liked running for my team. -Isaac
I felt happy because I came second. -Joshua
I was happy when it was finally my turn. -Veni

I felt sad when I had to wait for a long time. -Veni
I felt sad because my Mum didn't come to see me. - Joshua
I didn't like losing. - Isaac
Getting hot from the sun. - Tahnee
My Dad went in the middle of my race. - Jamie
My buddy made me late because she forgot to tag me. - Maggie
I forgot to bring a helmet. - Andy

The Seniors had to ride down a hill. -Maggie
Watching people biking. -Isaac
Sunny for the tryathlon and then raining after. - Jamie
Looking at how people did it. - Tahnee
Watching other people. -Joshua
When my buddy didn't tag me. -Veni
After the biking, I got to run. -Andy

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